Friday, May 30, 2008

Sze Min's B'dae Part II

this is the continuation of my "faceless" couzzie b'dae part II..


yes, u din c wrongly!! we got her an ice cream cake from Swensen, and so qiao my aunt oso got the EXACT same one from swensen..lols

so, there u go...twin cake...

the b'dae ger!!

finaLLy get to c her face hurs..kekes

w mama.."da gu"

with miiiee..."san jie"

yummilicous caKe..

shy sHy her..

with her graNNy...

miie w ah bee...

w her mama

her w couzzie "er jie"

it's US again..lols

in da midst of discussion??.

famiLy Pic I

famiLy pic II

mi w yan..

the mahjoNg lill bOi..

bai ban, fa cai, zhong zhong

the 3 flaVouR / laYer caKe...


EnJoyIn the cake..

and this is MINE!!!hahas

tat's aLL foLks..

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