Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Seriously & honestly, i DUN understand what, WHAT the hell u wan...

not only mi, myself..perhaps each and everyone u noes you..
we / I gave you benefit or doubt, chances & space..

i felt guilty wen i treat u bad..but u dun feel anyting and treated us like dirt instead.
@ times i tot to myself, tried to refrain from retorting back, cos i tot u din mean it..

esp ever since dad & zhuma left..i tot u were the one i cud trust and relay on...

BUT again, i was wrong...thru and thru...u've prove it urself...
time does reflect a person true self...i wen thru my past entries and i feel like a fool...
trusting you and treating u like another of my close "mummies" @ work...

it's over...dream is over..back to reality...i finally understood wat kind of person u are..
i wud rather u confront mi straight in da face den to backstab uz...

now i understand and noe y u have so LILL frens..cos' ure pathetic..
u tried to win ppl's trust and jus to dump it aft u've achieved ya aim..
smart hur..make us trust & believe u, oni to make us realise ure scheming..

u tried to win ppl's sympathy by acting pitiful and tellin other ppl how diff u're finding it to cope..
wans ppl to understand u..BUT hav u ever reflect upon urself...u noe ure being barred fr readin ppl's blog, u realise ppl are tryin to avoid ya.. u cud sense tat sumting is wrong, y cnt u do anyting bout it(well, unless u dun c the need, wich is obviously here)..

i definitely do not tink we are the ones wit prob, cos it's obvious that everyone is having a common prob with an adult, u shld noe how to handle yr mood, attitude, behaviour...
not to throw tantrum as and wen...

i understand that @ times ure feeling fustrated, mayb cos of work or family..
but we aint ur puppets, to be controlled by be a thing for u to vent yr anger..
we do have our own probs, feelings & moods..not everyting or everyone will go or do according to ur wish,..we do not expect much, jus hope tat u can do sit back and not "disturb" us..

i used to tot that b'cos u cnnt spk up much in ur house, tat's y u tend to be more crazy @ work...
but wat i din expect was tat u are so dominating..u wan to noe each and every of our personal issue and spread ard..u wan to control us ard like chess jus b'cos u are being controlled at home..
tat's not the way lo..

i tried my veri best not to have ANYTING to do wit you, but i jus dunno y u cnt leave mi alone...
y mus u stick ur nose in watever I do..b it concern u or not.. ure jus like the ting that kip pestering mi @ the back of my mind...if ure unhappy with mi, jus tell nid to go thru 3rd party..cos it is as good as telling mi u DO NOT dare to face mi straight...

u jus thread ya toes to the line and not go overboard...
i've promised myself to kip to the line..but ure getting unbearable..
do not step on mi or my love ones, cos i aint going to bear anymore..

to my darling babes, the ones who supported, encouraged, shown concern, shared wit mi, hear mi out, support & love mi all the way...jus wanNa say THANKS
i love u guys to bitttssss..u noe who ure...but do not assume la hurs....
muacks muacks muackss muacks muacks..

to the annoymous person, hopefully u noe hu u are...i do not nid u to cum and ACT like best fren to mi..jus STAY AWAY FROM ME as far as possible..

and oh ya, this is for ur reading pleasure..

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