Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mei Mei's B'dae

17/11/07 - our lill shin yee's b'dae...

started the morning by collecting her cakes @ elias mall.. and it was raining cats & dogs..

the pic is made up of a sheet of pic covered with white choco...

yeah..she's THREE...

officially 3..kekeks

cake by Prima Deli..

here cums sis & her bf...carrying the BIG yellow house tat mei mei wanted..

OMG, da balloons are big aNd beautiful...i like it alot...

yesh, it's FOOD again!!hehes..
catered by uncle yeo..keeks

his famous chicky wings..

catered from *YSL catering svc*

the guest..hehehs

taking pics tgth..

and again, but mei mei doesnt wana take pics leys.

oh ya, this dino fun..a philipphines tradition belief.
the one who could knock out this dino will have good luck thru'out the yr.
inside the dino, we'll fill it wit lotsa sweets biscuit, chocos...

the children getting ready to "HIT"...two try per kid..hehes

look, it's tearing on the neck liaos...jiayoous..
and ta dar!!! comes all the goodies tat kids like..hehehs
flooded by all the goodies..
hurry kids..

getting all ready to cut cake..
our b'dae angle wasnt v gud, hence she look abit off..hehes

c'mon lill ones...join in for fotograPh...

da BIG three..hehehs

3 lill candles,...with the 3 characters!!

ending ::
enjoyeD attending kids party...everyting is so simple, the kids so innocent & adorable...
had lotsa fUn toDay...i gather that every1 enjoyed demselves too...
all the kids came and left with sum lill door gifts...kekeks
a happy day, quality time spent with's bin awhile since we had such fun..esp with my couzie, toking craps..wahahas,.,,but we njoy..=)
wished tat everyday cud b free, so happY & surrounDed by kiDs..dey're reali god's gift..

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